Appointments In September

It’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to a close and kids are heading back to school. The hot Raleigh heat is slowly starting to melt away. Before we know it, the year will be over. For those with dental insurance, it is time to renew, change plans, and begin thinking about remaining…

Floss and Floss Alternatives

Reasons To Clean In Between Teeth Cavity Prevention Interdental cleaning removes bacteria from between the teeth. This bacteria causes decay when left on the teeth too long. Even the best brushers can only remove so much bacteria with a toothbrush.  Reduced Risk for Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease is inflammation that affects the tissue and supporting…

Braces and Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene while in braces is difficult. However, it is imperative to take the extra time to care for your teeth while in braces. Failure to do so results in tooth decay as well as inflammation and problems with gum tissue and sometimes bone loss. Let’s look at some tools available to help…

Your Child and Cavity Prevention

Most parents want to help their child do everything they can to reduce the risk of cavities. You can’t control how their teeth were made and, unfortunately, some kids are more cavity prone than others. You can, however, control three big factors that contribute to their dental health. 1. HYGIENE Brush Start brushing twice daily as…

Sugar and Acids In Our Diet

While many people may know what food and drinks are good for our teeth, there may be some that people don’t realize are bad for our teeth. The main ingredient to look out for is sugar. However, acidic foods and beverages can also cause damage. Bacteria in our mouths thrive on sugars and “eat them,”…

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when the muscles and soft tissues in the throat and mouth relax, shrinking the airway. The smaller airway increases the speed of required air, causing soft tissues to vibrate, resulting in a snoring sound. At certain levels of severity, the tongue and soft tissues can cause complete blockage of the airway. If this period of blockage lasts longer…

Snacks for Good Oral Health

Eating in between meals is sometimes a habit, sometimes a necessity. Children especially often need snacks between meals. With so many sugary and unhealthy choices at the grocery store, it’s difficult to always know what snacks are good for you and/or good for your oral health. Let’s look at some healthy snack options that are…

Dental Emergencies

Like most emergencies, dental emergencies happen at unpredictable, inconvenient times. Failure to seek treatment for a dental emergency may increase the risk of permanent damage or more expensive treatment later. Conversely, you can easily treat some situations at home. Here are some examples of dental emergencies and advice on what to do and when to…