Five Ways To Remove Plaque

Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on the teeth when carbohydrates combine with food and drink. Leaving plaque on the teeth results in tooth decay, gum disease, and halitosis. Furthermore, it has been linked to heart disease. Therefore, plaque removal is essential in maintaining good oral health. Let’s look at different tools available to…

How Do I Brush My Child’s Teeth?

Brushing your child’s teeth at an early age not only helps prevent tooth decay, but also introduces good habits. Additionally, many people do not realize that children do not have the dexterity to effectively brush their own teeth until age eight. Electric toothbrushes are the best tool for cleaning teeth in both children and adults.…

Holiday Sweets and Healthy Teeth

Holidays Bring Too Many Sweets Kids love candy, and while we know it’s not good for them, we also know they’re going to eat it. “fun-size” candy, candy canes, and chocolate Santas can be just a way of life this time of year. So how best to survive the holidays that are traditionally surrounded by…

How To Choose a Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is arguably one of the most important parts of your dental homecare routine. Most of us have been taught since we were young children to brush our teeth twice a day for two minutes. But what should we be using to brush our teeth? Should we use an electric or manual toothbrush?…

Taking Care of Tooth Enamel

Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth and the hardest tissue in the human body. Unfortunately, tooth enamel does not have living cells and therefore cannot repair itself. Once enamel chips or erodes, there is no way to get it back. Let’s look at some ways to take care of our enamel so that…

Oral Hygiene and Systemic Health

They say the mouth is the window to the body. All sorts of health concerns exhibit symptoms in the mouth: diabetes and celiac disease to name two. If certain diseases can be detected in our mouth, is it also possible to prevent certain illnesses by taking better care of our teeth? Let’s look at some systemic…