With so many dental products out there these days, making a decision about which is best for you can be difficult. While the brand of toothpaste you choose isn’t too important, choosing the type of paste you need can be a daunting task. Let’s look at different types of toothpastes and their indications. Hopefully, we can clear up any confusion and help you make the best decision for your smile.
Sensitivity Toothpaste
Sensitivity toothpaste does work! This type of paste is indicated for patients who experience hypersensitivity to cold. Sensitivity toothpaste does have a cumulative effect. Therefore, patients need to use this type of paste consistently for three to four weeks before deciding if it is working for them.
Whitening Toothpaste
The marketing of whitening toothpaste can be misleading. Whitening toothpastes are effective at removing surface stains caused by substances such as coffee or tea. However, whitening toothpastes do not actually change the overall color of your teeth.
Tartar Control Toothpaste
Tartar control toothpastes are effective in reducing tartar buildup, especially in patients who build up tartar very easily. While effective, this type of paste can be slightly more abrasive than other toothpastes. Therefore, patients should be aware of any tooth sensitivity associated with tartar control toothpaste use. If this occurs, patients should stop using it immediately.
Prescription Strength Toothpaste
Patients with dental hypersensitivity or higher rates of decay can benefit from prescription toothpastes. These pastes have a higher concentration of fluoride than is sold over the counter. Higher amounts of fluoride, as well as the xylitol included in these pastes, reduce sensitivity and prevent tooth decay.
Do you have questions about which dental products are best for you? Please feel free to give us a call at 919-866-1360 or click here to reach us online.